Register yourself as a free player


Everyone registered as a free player will be kept informed about the possibility of joining teams.


Player fee for two days of playing
(without additional events)
Early bird when registered until the end of February: 130 PLN
Regular fee starting March 1st: 160 PLN

The payment should be made to the account
Stowarzyszenie Klub Sportowy Orion Poznań
Account number: 14109013460000000148358348
Bank: Santander Bank Polska
Transfer title: Polish Rainbow Cup – free player

The payment for the early bird fee should be made by March 10, 2023!

If you don’t find a team to play with, we’ll return your money.

Tęczowy Puchar Polski
Polish Rainbow Cup

Wydarzenie organizowane jest przez zarejestrowane
w KRS Stowarzyszenie Klub Sportowy Orion Poznań.
Promujemy otwartość w sporcie na wszystkie kolory tęczy!

The event is organized by Orion Poznań Sports Club Association.
We promote equality in sport for all the colors of the rainbow!