Register your team


A team can consist of up to 9 players.


Fee for one player
for two days of playing (without additional events)
Early bird fee when registered until the end of February: 130 PLN
Regular fee starting March 1st: 160 PLN

The payment should be made to the account
Stowarzyszenie Klub Sportowy Orion Poznań
Account number: 14109013460000000148358348
Bank: Santander Bank Polska
Transfer title: Polish Rainbow Cup + Team’s name

The payment for early bird fee should be made by March 10, 2023!

Tęczowy Puchar Polski
Polish Rainbow Cup

Wydarzenie organizowane jest przez zarejestrowane
w KRS Stowarzyszenie Klub Sportowy Orion Poznań.
Promujemy otwartość w sporcie na wszystkie kolory tęczy!

The event is organized by Orion Poznań Sports Club Association.
We promote equality in sport for all the colors of the rainbow!